SFB 501


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by year: 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
by project: A1 A2 A3 B1 B10 B2 B4 B5 C1 D1
Technical reports: 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995



Capture, Distribution, and Evolution of Information Needs in a Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Environment
A Model of Project Planning and Management in Complex Domains
Knowledge Management Support for Distributed Agile Software Processes
Feature Interaction Detection in Building Control Systems by Means of a Formal Product Model
Model-Based Generation of SDL Specifications for the Early Prototyping of Reactive Systems
Requirements Engineering by Generator-Based Prototyping
Entwurf eines Java-Gebäudesimulators unter Berücksichtigung von Entwurfsmustern
Testfallbeschreibung für Pattern-basierte Entwurfsmethoden
Mapping Variabilities onto Product Family Assets
Towards a General Model of Variability in Product Families
Practical Experiences in the Design and Conduct of Surveys in Empirical Software Engineering.
Ableitung von rollenspezifischen Sichten auf projektbegleitend gesammelten Daten.
Supporting Object-Oriented Software Development by Object-Relational Database Technology - A Perfermance Study
Multimedia-Metacomputing in Web-basierten multimedialen Informationssystemen
Towards a Theory of Multimedia Metacomputing
Multimedia-Metacomputing - eine Perspektive für Peer-to-Peer-Architekturen
Generic Components in Object-Relational Database Systems
Introducing Custom Language Extensions to SQL:1999
V-Grid - A Versioning Services Framework for the Grid
DSL-DIA - An Environment for Domain-Specific Languages for Database-Intensive Applications
Index Techniques for Similarity-based Search in ORDBMSs
Durchgängige Entwicklung großer verteilter Systeme - Die SILICON-Fallstudie
A Model for Experience Base Scheme Building Blocks.
When Knowlegde and Experience Repositories Grow, New Challenges Arise.

Project History and Decision Dependencies
Process-Based Knowledge Management Support for Software Engineering
Der Nutzen virtueller Marktplätze für die Software-Entwicklungsdomäne
A Model of Planning and Enactment Support in Complex Software Development Projects
Integrating Process Support and Knowledge Management for Virtual Software Development Teams
Efficient creation of building performance simulators using automatic code generation
Flexibler Entwurf von Gebäudesimulatoren
Early Prototyping of Reactive Systems Through the Generation of SDL Specifications from Semi-formal Development Documents
Towards a Virtual Laboratory for Building Performance and Control
Specifying Building Automation Systems with PROBAnD, a Method Based on Prototyping, Reuse, and Object-orientation
Establishing a Software Product Line in an Immature Domain
On the Influence of Variabilities on the Application Engineering Process of a Product Family
XML-Enhanced Product Family Engineering
Configuring Product Families using Design Spaces
Software Project Control Centers: Concepts and Approaches.
Eine Prozessplattform zur erfahrungsbasierten Softwareentwicklung.
Using Cluster Curves to Control Software Development Projects.
A Family of Experiments to Investigate the Influence of Context on the Effect of Inspection Techniques.
Experiences with a Case Study on Pair Programming.
Families of Experiments to summarize empirical findings.
Software Inspections, Reviews, and Walkthroughs.
Software Inspection Benchmarking - A Qualitative and Quantitative Comparitive Opportunity.
Das ViSEK-Projekt: Aufbau einer nationalen empirisch-basierten Erfahrungsdatenbank für Software-Engineering.
Software-Reviews sind als Instrument zur Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie anerkannt.
State-of-the-Art in Empirical Studies.
The State of the Practice of Review and Inspection Technologies in Germany.
Inspection Tutorial.
Tutorial on empirical methods .
The ISERN Experiment and Survey.
The NSF Impact Project: Software Inspections, Reviews and Walkthroughs.
Entwicklung eines Werkzeuges zur prozessbegleitenden Interpretation und Visualisierung von Messdaten.
Developing a Characterization Scheme for Inspection Experiments.
Vergleich von Pairprogramming mit herkömmlicher Programmierung.
Aspekte der generativen Entwicklung von ORDBMS-basierten Datenverwaltungsdiensten
Architektur Multimedialer Informationssysteme
The ORDB-based SFB-501-Reuse-Repository
Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachineModule
Towards a modular, object-relational schema design
Generic Model-to-Model Transformations in MDA: Why and How?
Specifying Customized Versioning Facilities of Software Engineering Repositories by Using UML-based Design Templates
Supporting Mass Customization by Generating Adjusted Repositories for Product Configuration Knowledge
Generic XMI-Based UML Model Transformations
Sharing Product Data among Heterogeneous Workflow Environments
Micro Protocol Design: The SNMP Case Study
Software zum Anfassen
View-Based Animation of Communication Protocols in Design and in Operation
A Flexible Approach for Coupling Experience Base Requirements and applicable Scheme Building Blocks.
A repository for Experience Base Schema Building Blocks.
Benchmark Problems for Reuse Repository Schemas.

Automatic negotiation on software development tasks
Modellierung und Verarbeitung domänenspezifischer Abhängigkeiten in MILOS
Erweiterung einer prozessorientierten Software-Entwicklungsumgebung um ähnlichkeitsbasiertes Knowledge-Management
Die Erweiterung eines virtuellen Marktplatzes zur Unterstützung verteilt operierender Unternehmen
Task-Specific Knowledge Management in a Process-Centred SEE
Engineering of e-Business Applications & Infrastructure and Applications for the Mobile Internet
Approaching Support for Internet-based Negotiation on Software Projects
Approaching negotiation automation for software development companies
Integrating Java and CORBA: A Programmer's Perspective
Using MILOS for Dependency Management in UML-based SE-Processes
A Reuse- and Prototyping-based Approach for the Specification of Building Automation Systems
A New Approach To Building Simulation Based on Communicating Objects
Entwicklung verlässlicher CAN-Sensoren auf der Basis des 80C592 Mikrokontrollers
Comprehensive Variability Modelling to Facilitate Efficient Variability Treatment
Efficient Variability Treatment based on XML
LIPE: A Lightweight Process for E-Business Startup Companies based on Extreme Programming.
Reuse of Measurement Plans Based on Process and Quality Models.
ISERN: Ein verteiltes Inspektionsexperiment.
The ISERN Survey and Benchmark.
Adaptive measurement plans for software development.
Goal leading, reuse-oriented Development of Software Projectplans.
Entwicklung eines logischen Entwurfes für Prozessleitstände in der Software-Entwicklung.
Supporting Semantically Rich Relationships in Extensible Object-Relational Database Management Systems
Enriched Relationship Processing in Object-Relational Database Management Systems
The Real Benefits of Object-Relational DB-Technology for Object-Oriented Software Development
Leistungsuntersuchung von ORDB-gestützten objektorientierten Anwendungssystemen
Es ist an der Zeit, die Prinzipien komponentenbasierten Software Engineerings im objekt-relationalen Datenbankentwurf anzuwenden!
Modularity in ORDBMSs - A new Challenge
To a Man with an ORDBMS everything looks like a Row in a Table
Multimedia Metacomputing
On Realizing Transformation Independence in Open, Distributed Multimedia Information Systems
Supporting Collaborative Authoring of Web Content by a Customizable Resource Repository
Transformation Independence for Multimedia Systems
Simulation der Kommunikationsmiddleware am Beispiel eines Gebäudeautomatisierungssystems
The SDL Pattern Approach
Einsatz von FoReST zur Entwicklung einer verteilten Lichtsteuerung
Entwicklung und Integration von fehlerbehandelnden Mikroprotokollen für ein Gebäudeautomatisierungssystem
Collaboration-based Design of SDL Systems
Maßschneiderung vs. Wiederverwendung bei Kommunikationssystemen (Fallstudie SILICON)
The Formal Semantics of SDL-2000: Compiling and Running SDL Specifications on ASM Models
Derivation of a Termination Detection Algorithm using Abstract State Machines
A Verification Approach for Distributed Abstract State Machines
Formal Definition of SDL-2000 - Compiling and Running SDL Specifications as ASM Models
Outsourcing in India.
Advances in Learning Software Organizations.
Analysing and Combining Classification Schemas for Reuse Repositories.
An Approach for Determining euse Repository Characteristics.
Systemdocumentation des Toolsmanagements im Rahmen des Systems PlaST.
Entwirf und Implementierung eines Hilfesystems am Beispiel des Konfigurationsmanagementsystems PlaST.
Verwaltung von Projektübergreifender Software-Erfahrung am Beispiel von Qualitäts-modellen.

Distributed Process Planning Support with MILOS
Merging project planning and web-enabled dynamic workflow for software development
Extending a process-centred SEE by context-specific knowledge delivery
Dynamic resource management
Dokumentation der Testinstallation für Gebäudeautomationssysteme
The Light Control Case Study - Problem Description
Feature Modelling Using Design Spaces
Generic Components: A Symbiosis of Paradigms
Generic Components to Foster Reuse
Supporting Component-Based Software Development Using Domain Knowledge
Mapping Requirements to Reusable Components using Design Spaces
Distributed Process Planning Support with MILOS.
MShop - Das Open Source Praktikum.
GERMANY: Activities in Software Process Improvement, Country Report for Germany (invited presentation).
Capitalising on Experience - What is missing in CMM & PSP/TSP?.
Software Experience Factory "how to do it" Guide.
Werkzeugunterstützung zur Aufbereitung von Auswertungen im Rahmen von Messprogrammen.
Conceptual Modeling of Software Development Processes.
Validierung der systematischen Entwicklung von GQM-Plänen.
Generierte DB-Aufrufschnittstellen - Anwendungsspezifische Zugriffsoptimierung durch Bindungsflexibilität
Generating Versioning Facilities for a Design Data Repository Supporting Cooperative Applications
Measuring the Contributions of (O)RDBMS to Object-Oriented Software Development
Leistungsuntersuchungen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von (O)RDBVS als persistente Objektsysteme
XML Content Management based on Object-Relational Database Technology
Enforcing Modeling Guidelines in an ORDBMS-based UML Repository
Zum Einsatzpotential von ORDBVS in Entwurfsumgebungen
VirtualMedia: Making Multimedia Database Systems Fit for World-wide Access
n ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm - Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach
Interoperabilität heterogener Workflows
Requirements Engineering: The Light Control Case Study
The Light Control Case Study: A Synopsis
On the Formal Semantics of SDL-2000: A Compilation Approach Based on an Abstract SDL Machine
The Semantics of Programming Languages: A transformational/ operational approach using Abstract State Machines
An ORDBMS-Based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm - Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach
Application of the FOREST Approach to the Light Control Case Study
An Executable Formal Semantics for SDL-2000
The Light Control Case Study: Problem Description
Distributed Process Planning Support with MILOS .
Merging project planning and web-enabled dynamic workflow for software development .
On the Formal Semantics of SDL-2000: A Compilation Approach using Abstract State Machines
Guidelines for Evaluation and Improvement of Reuse and Experience Repository Systems through Measurement Programs.
An ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm ­Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach.
Applying Roles in Reuse Repositories.
Towards Industrial-Strength Measurement Programs for Reuse and Experience Repository Systems.

Change Impact Analysis Support for Software Development Processes
Software Engineering over the Internet
MILOS: A Model of Interleaved Planning, Scheduling, and Enactment
A Meta-Model for Distributed Software Development
Distributed Workflow Management Approach for Process oriented Knowledge Management Systems
A Distributed Web Based Software Configuration Management System
A Concept for Supporting the Formation of Virtual Corporations through Negotiation
Approaching Software Support for Virtual Software Corporations
Process Support for Virtual Software Organizations
Process-Centered Knowledge Organization for Software Engineering
Process-Oriented Knowledge Management For Learning Software Organizations
Software Process Support over the Internet
Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur verteilten Abarbeitung eines Workflows in einem virtuellen Unternehmen
Vor- und Nachbedingungen für Prozesse in MILOS
Flexible Unterstützung für Entwurfsprozesse im Kontext von Verwaltungs-aufgaben
Dynamic Project Management for Distributed Construction Processes
Flexibles Workflow Management in Software Development Processes
Ein System zum Kommunikationsmanagement verteilter Objekte in JAVA
A Framework Using Computer Agents to Provide Automatic Execution Support for Processes in Software Development Projects
PSiGene - A Pattern-Based Component Generator for Building Simulation
Modeling Software Architecture Using Domain-Specific Patterns
An Interlink of Building Control System Prototypes and the Lighting Simulation Lumina
Eine musterbasierte Methode zur domänenspezifischen Modellierung und Generierung von Softwarekomponenten
Erweiterung des Patternkonzeptes von PsiGene um Typen und Regeln
Pattern-Basierte Anwendung Endlicher Automaten in PSiGene
Gebäudeautomation mit CAN auf Basis des Philips P8xC592
Development of a Lightning Control System in SDL
A Process View on Architecture-Based Software Development
Integrating SAAM in Domain-Centric and Reuse-based Development Processes
Towards a Uniform Modeling Technique for Resource-Usage Scenarios
Towards Generating Customized Run-time Platforms from Generic Components
Reuse of Process Patterns.
Adaptation of process models in the context of engineer-style software quality assurance.
MILOS: A Model of Interleaved Planning, Scheduling, and Enactment.
Eine vergleichende Fallstudie mit CASE-Werkzeugen für objektorientierte und funktionale Modellierungstechniken.
Eine vergleichende Fallstudie mit CASE-Werkzeugen für formale und semi-formale Beschreibungstechniken.
A Meta-Model for Distributed Software Development.
Experimentation: Engine for Applied Research and Technology Transfer in Software Engineering.
Bessere Aenderbarkeit durch Verfolgbarkeit: Auswahl eines Ansatzes.
Softwaresystemdokumentation eines Entwicklungsprojekts zur Erstellung eines eingebetteten Gebäudeautomationssystems in UML.
Software Experience Factory: Basis für beschleunigte Prozessverbesserung.
Innovationen im Software-Entwicklungsprozess.
Software Process Improvement: Prerequisite for Future Competitiveness.
Continuous Improvement of Software Development Competence: Prerequisite for Future Competitiveness.
Experimental Software Engineering.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Inspection Techniques on Informal Requirements Documents.
Objektorientierter Entwurfsprozeß zur Gewährleistung von Verfolgbarkeit im Bereich technischer Systeme.
Export-/ Importschnittstelle für das Werkzeug GQMPlanner.
Modellierung eines adaptierbaren Sotware-Entwicklungsprozesses.
GQMaspect II: Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Erstellung von GQM-Plänen.
Erstellung einer SW-Systemdokumentation mit StP.
Software System Documentation of a Project concerning the Creation of an embedded Buildings-Automation-System with UML.
Improving the Performance of Media Servers Providing Physical Data Independence - Problems, Concepts, and Challenges
On a Buzzword "Extensibility" - What we have learned from the ORIENT Project
An Object-Relational SE-Repository with Generated Services
Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming
Towards Generating Object-Relational Software Engineering Repositories
A DBMS-based Approach for Checking OCL Constraints
Medienspezifische Datentypen für objekt-relationale DBMS: Abstraktionen und Konzepte
iWebDB - Integrated Web Content Management based on Object-Relational Database Technology
Generating Repository Managers for Cooperative Design Applications
Exploiting Reuse Techniques in the SERUM Approach
Introducing the VirtualMedia Concept
Supporting Parallel Navigation in Object-Relational Database Management Systems
Ein Editor zur Dokumentation von SDL Patterns
The ORDBMS-Based SFB 501 Experience Base - Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach
Continuous Improvement of Reuse-Driven SDL System Development
An Integrating Approach fo r Developing Distributed Software Systems - Combining Formal Methods, Software Reuse, and the Experience Base
Pattern-Based Reuse with SDL
Pattern Application vs. Inheritance in SDL
SDL Formal Semantics Definition
Towards a New Formal SDL Semantics Based on Abstract State Machines
Pattern-Based Requirements Capture Applied: The SFB 501 Case Study
Pattern-Based Development of Communication Subsystems
Re-Engineering und Implementierung eines ATM-Signalisierungsprotokolls mit SDL-Patterns
Definition and Instantiation of a Reference Model for Problem Specifications
SDT-basierte Anbindung von SDL-Entwurfsspezifikationen an verschiedene Basistechnologien
Transformations in Pattern-based System Specifications
Werkzeugunterstützte Anwendung von SDL Patterns
Software Engineering over the Internet .
Flexible Workflow Management in Software Development Processes .
Software Process Support over the Internet .
MILOS: A Model of Interleaved Planning, Scheduling, and Enactment .
A Meta-Model for Distributed Software Development .
Working Group Report of the 2nd Workshop on Coordinating Distributed Software Development Projects .
FOREST - Entwurf und Implementierung einer Umgebung zur Erstellung formaler System-Anforderungs-Beschreibungen
Dokumentation der Problemspezifikation der Streckenbeeinflussungsanlage A 61 Bingen-Rheinböllen
A Termination Detection Algorithm: Specification and Verification
An Approach to the Combination of Formal Description Techniques: Statecharts and TLA
Systematische Integration von Prozess- und Produktmanagement.
An Integrating Approach for Developing Distributed Software Systems -Combining Formal Methods, Software Reuse, and the Experience Base.
Continuous Improvement of Reuse-Driven SDL System Development.
An Object-Relational SE-Repository with Generated Services.
Developing a Repository Structure that Allows Comprehensive Reuse and Continuous Improvement.
Developing a Tailored Reuse Repository Structure -Experience and First Results.

Modellierung von Softwareengineering-Prozessen
Wiederverwendung von Entwurfsmustern durch ein Workflow-Management-System
Coordinating Management Activities in Distributed Software Development Projects
Change impact analysis support for software development processes
Internet Based Software Process Support
A Concept for an Internet-based Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Environment
Working Group Report on Coordinating Distributed Software Development Projects
Validierung und Erweiterung der Prozeßmodellierungssprache MILOS
Agent-Based Project Management
Web-based Software Process Modeling with CoMo-Kit
Modeling embedded digital controllers
Structure and Design of Building Automation Systems
Domänenspezifischer Software-Architektur-Baukasten mit Design-Patterns
Entwurf und Implementierung eines echtzeitfähigen Kommunikationssubsystems für CAN
Tool Supported Prototyping for the Specification and the Design of Building Automation Systems
The Role of Architecture for Complex Systems Development
Driving the Composition of Runtime Platforms by Architectural Knowledge
Using Software architecture as a Catalyst for Reuse
Architecture-Centric Software Development Based on Extended Design Spaces
Adopting GQM-based Measurement in an Industrial Environment.
Development of large Systems Using Generic Methods - A General View of the Sonderforschungsbereich 501.
Towards Goal-Oriented Organizational Learning: Representing and Maintaining Knowledge in an Experience Base.
A Comparative Case Study with Industrial Requirements Engineering Methods.
Kontinuierliche Qualitätsverbesserung.
Software Experience Center Project.
Software-Prozeßverbesserung: Strategische Notwendigkeit für alle Branchen.
Experimentation as a vehicle for Software Technology Transfer: A family of Software Reading Techniques.
Baselining eines Software-Entwicklungsprozesses in Team 3: Vorstellung der Projektmanagementschnittstelle.
Generische Modellierung von Prozessen und Experimenten.
Die Bedeutung von Experimenten im Software Engineering Kolloqium.
Innovationen im Software-Entwicklungsprozeß - Anforderungsprofile und Schlüsselfähigkeiten.
Experimentieren: Prototyping bei der Prozeßverbesserung.
Softwaretechnologie: Entscheidender Faktor für Wirtschaftswachstum.
Software-Qualitätsmanagement - Überblick.
Empirische Methoden: Vorraussetzung für ingenieurmäßige Softwareentwicklung.
Testing and Inspections: A Historical Perspective.
Formalisierung ausgewählter Software-Entwicklungsmethoden für reaktive Systeme in MVP-L (Formalization of selected software development methods for reactive systems).
Suche nach einem Verfolgbarkeitsansatz zur Verbesserung von Änderbarkeit (Search for a traceability approach to improve changeability).
Erweiterung eines Werkzeugs zur interaktiven Manipulation von Software-Projektplänen (Extension of a tool for the interactive manipulation of software project plans).
Definition of measurement points and measurement procedures by using process models and GQM plans.
Erstellung von Projekt- und GQM-Plänen für ein Software-Entwicklungsprojekt.
Wartbare Schema-Repräsentation für GQM-Pläne.
Entwurf und Realisierung einer ergonomischen Benutzerschnittstelle.
Lab Package for the Empirical Investigation of Perspective-Based Reading.
Konfigurierungskonzepte für datenbankbasierte, technische Entwurfsanwendungen
Entwicklung großer Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine Übersicht über den Sonderforschungsbereich 501
Enhanced Support of Relationship Semantics in Object-Relational Database Systems
Towards a Component-based n-tier C/S-Architecture
Entwicklung und Einsatz einer Videodatenbank im WWW - ein Erfahrungsbericht
Entwicklung großer Systeme mit generischen Methoden - Eine Übersicht über den Sonderforchungsbereich 501
Tool Support for SDL Patterns
SDL-Pattern based Development of a Communication Subsystem for CAN
Combining SDL Patterns with Continuous Quality Improvement: An Experience Base Tailored to SDL Patterns
Systematic Evolution of Reusable SDL Patterns
Using SDL Patterns for the Design of a CAN-based Communication Subsystem
Towards a New Formal SDL Semantics
Trends in Formal Description Techniques
Reuse in Requirements Engineering: Discovery and Application of a Real-Time Requirements Pattern
SDL-Pattern basiertes Reengineering von RTP (Realtime Transport Protocol)
Re-Engineering of the Internet Stream Protocol ST2+ with Formalized Design Patterns
A Concept for an Internet-based Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Environment .
Agent-Based Project Management .
Coordinating Management Activities in Distributed Software Development Projects .
Internet Based Software Process Support .
Working Group Report on Coordinating Distributed Software Development Projects .
Improving Best Practices Through Explicit Documentation of Experience About Software Engineering Technologies.
Systematic Evolution of Reusable SDL Patterns.
Combining SDL Patterns with Continuous Quality Improvement: An Experience Factory Tailored to SDL Patterns.
Providing an Experience Base in a research context via the Internet.

Wissensmanagement in CoMo-Kit
Enriching Software Process Support by Knowledge-based Techniques
Knowledge Based Techniques to increase the Flexibility of Workflow Management
Spezifiaktion und Integration von Vor- und Nachbedingungen fuer Aufgaben in CoMo-Kit
A Pattern-Based Application Generator for Building Simulation
Pattern-Based Generation of Customized, Flexible Building Simulators
Application of a Generator-Based Software Development Method Supporting Model Reuse
Pattern-Based Code Generation for Well-Defined Application Domains
Analyse und Adaption der Objektmodellierungstechnik von Rumbaugh zur Modellierung und Generierung reaktiver Systeme
PSiGene - Ein Pattern-basierter Simulator-Generator
Ein Smalltalk-80-Code-Generator für die Softwareentwicklungsumgebung MOOSE
Modellbasierte Konvertierung von CAD-Gebäudedaten zur Verwendung in einer Simulationsumgebung
PatTSi - Ein Pattern-basierter Test-Simulator
Customization of system software for large-scale embedded applications
World-Wide Web Caching -- The Application level view of the Internet
Enhancing the Web Infrastructure -- From Caching to Replication
World-Wide Web Caching - The Application level view of the Internet
Enriching Software Process Support by Knowledge-based Techniques.
Practical Guidelines for Measurement-Based Process Improvement.
MVP-E: A Process Modeling Environment.
An Experimental Comparison of the Maintainability of Object-Oriented and Structured Design Documents.
MoST - a Tool to Develop Process Models.
Tailoring Large Process Models on the Basis of MVP-L.
Formalizing Software Engineering Standards.
Experiences with Systematic Reuse: Applying the EF/QIP Approach.
Empirical Investigation of Perspective-based Reading: A Replicated Experiment.
Die Bedeutung von Experimenten im Software-Engineering.
Business Benefits of Software Process Improvement.
Zielorientiertes Messen: Voraussetzung für kontinuierliche Verbesserung von Software-Entwicklung.
An Approach to the Modeling of Large Software Development Processes by Integration of Independend Recorded Role-specific Views.
Presentation of Role Specific Views on Software Development Processes.
Transformationsbasiertes Zuschneidern von Prozeßmodellen (Transformation-based Tailoring of Process Models).
Interaktion zwischen dem GQM-Prozeß und der Erfahrungsdatenbank.
Erweiterung des Graphik-Editors GEM für MVP-L.
The Empirical Investigation of Perspective-Based Reading: A Replicated Experiment.
Configuring Communication Protocols Using SDL Patterns
Combining SDL and Pattern-based Design for the Customization of Communication Subsystems
Generic Engineering of Communication Protocols - Current Experience and Future Issues
Verteilung einer Simulation für das Inverse Pendel
Variantenbildung in SDL-92
Spezifikationsvarianten des Alternating-Bit Protokolls in SDL/SDT
A Generic Approach to the Formal Specification of Requirements
Applying Quality of Service Architectures to the Field-Bus Domain
Implementing Real-Time Communication on a Token-Ring Network
Pattern-basierte Konfigurierung des Reservierungsprotokolls ST2+ und Erstellung eines SDL-Frameworks für Ressourcenreservierungsprotokolle
Musterbasierte Konfigurierung des Internet-Protokolls IPv6 mit SDL
Enriching Software Process Support by Knowledge-based Techniques .
Modellierung einer Produktionszelle in einer Kombination aus statecharts und TLA
Zielorientiertes Messen: Voraussetzungen für kontinuierliche Verbesserung von Softwareentwicklung.
Business Benifits of Software Process Improvement.
Die Bedeutung von Experimented im Software-Engineering.
Richtlinien für die Ableitung von C++ Kode aus OMT Statemodels der Entwurfsphase.

Integrating Software Process Models and Design Rationales
Integrating Planning and Execution in Software Development Processes
Dynamic Modeling of Design Processes
Konzeption und Implementierung einer Sprache für Software-Entwicklungsprozesse
Computer Support in Project Coordination
Project Coordination in Design Processes
Modelling the Knowledge Engineering Process
Flexibles Workflowmanagement für Entwurfsprozesse am Beispiel der Bebauungsplanung
Supporting Cooperative Work in Urban Land-Use Planning
Dynamische Änderungen an Prozessmodellen
A Synthesis of two Process Support Approaches
Modellierung einer Gebäudesteuerung und -simulation mit Statemate
Modellierung und Implementierung einer Datenbank für das Softwareentwurfssystem MOOSE
Untersuchung numerischer Verfahren zur objektorientierten Simulation hybrider Systeme
Analyse und Entwurf einer Notation zur Erstellung von Gebäudemodellen
Modellierung einer objektorientierten, echtzeitfähigen und hybriden Simulationsumgebung
PROTOHOUSING: Modellierung der Haus-1-Spezifikation in Statemate
Quantifying the Overall Impact of Caching and Replication in the Web
BSA: Accouting for Future Networked Applications
BSA: A framework for efficient accounting on wide-area networks
Reviewing two Multimedia presentation (quasi-)standards
Repeatable Software Engineering Experiments for Comparing Defect-Detection Techniques.
The Role of Software Process Modeling in Planning Industrial Measurement Programs.
A Synthesis of Two Process Support Approaches.
Support for Complex Work Processes: The MVP Project to Systematic Software Development.
Experiences in Formalizing Project Handbooks.
About Views for Modeling Software Processes in a Role-Specific Manner.
A Controlled Experiment to Evaluate On-Line Process Guidance.
GQM Technology Package.
Continuous Software Quality Improvement in Industrial Practice.
Practical guidelines for measurement-based process improvement.
Software Experience Factory.
Modellierung großer Software-Entwicklungsprozesse.
Software Process Reengineering: A First Step Towards Improvement.
Zielorientiertes Messen in Software-Projekten - Tutorial für Software-Entwickler.
Support for Complex Work Processes: The MVP Project to Systemativ Software Development.
Measurement-Based Feedback in a Process-Centered Software Engineering Environment.
Model-based Analysis of Project Risks.
Erweiterung der MVP-L Ausführungssemantik und der Ausführungsmaschine.
A Graphical Editor for MVP-L.
Definition of MVP-L Square for the Representation of Comprehensive Software Process Models.
Konzeption und Implementierung einer Sprache für Software-Entwicklungsprozesse.
Experimental Evaluation of Software Reading Techniques in Industrial Practice.
View-Support for GQM-Plans.
Integration of GQM-Plans and Process Models by Measurement Plans.
Plattformunabhängige Werkzeugunterstützung der Planungsphase des GQM-Prozesses (GQMaspect).
PAMELA - Process Weaver As an MVP-Environment: A Leasured Agent.
Entwurf und Implementierung eines Ressourcen-Verwalters zur Echtzeitkommunikation
Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementation Using Estelle
Applying a Temporal Logic to the RPC-Memory Specification Problem
Formal Description Techniques IX - Theory, Application and Tools
Towards Open Estelle
Erstellung eines Software-Monitors zur Analyse automatisch generierter Protokollimplementierungen
Maßschneiderung von Kommunikationssystemen anhand einer Regelungsaufgabe
Maßnahmen zur Optimierung von Kommunikationsprotokollen
Spezifikation und (halb-)automatische Implementierung einer Audioanwendung über Ethernet
A Synthesis of Two Process Support Approaches .
Repeatable Software Engineering Experiments for Comparing Defect-Detection Techniques..
Practical Guidelines for Measurement-based Process Improvement.
A1 SE Labor.
Know-how-Gewinnung im SE Labor.
Experimentelle Bewertung von Software-Lesetechniken in der industriellen Praxis.
Planung einer Fallstudie im SFB Praktikum Sommersomester 1996.

Verwaltung von Abhängigkeiten bei der Operationalisierung von konzeptuellen Modellen
Verwaltung von Abhängigkeiten in kooperativen wissensbasierten Arbeitsabläufen
Zeitplanung bei komplexen Arbeitsabläufen
Design Rationale bei der Modellierung und Abwicklung von Entwurfsprozessen
Ein Knowledge-Engineering-Ansatz für kooperatives Design am Beispiel der Bebauungsplanung
Verwaltung von Abhängigkeiten in flexiblen Arbeitsabläufen
Generating ECAD Framework Code from Abstract Models
Generating Abstract Datatypes with Remote Access Capabilities
Prototypische Implementierung einer flexiblen, generierbaren Simulationsumgebung
Generating dedicated runtime platforms for distributed applications - a generic approach
Introducing Application-level Replication and Naming into today's Web
WebMake: Integrating distributed software development in a structure-enhanced Web
Booster: A WWW-based prototype of the Global Software Highway
Requirements for Middeware in the Booster Environment
Booster: Kooperative Softwareentwicklung im World Wide Web
Directions in Software Process Research.
The Use of Roles and Measurement to Enact Project Plans in MVP-S.
Process-Based Software Risk Assessment.
An Empirical Evaluation of Three Defect-Detection Techniques.
Three Approaches for Formalizing Informal Process Descriptions.
MVP-L Language Report Version 2.
A Graphical Representation Schema for the Software Process Modeling Language MVP-L.
Similarity of Process Models.
MVP-L's Modeling Support Tool MoST.
A Process Model for Planning GQM-based Measurement.
The Use of Roles and Measurement Data.
Software Evolution and Quality Improvement.
Three Approaches to Formalize Informal Process Description.
Systematic Software Quality Improvement.
Software-Entwicklungs-Know-how: Ein entscheidender Faktor für die zukünftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.
Systematische Prozeßverbesserung - Einführung und Überblick.
Inter-View-Consistencies of MVP-L-Models.
Rules and Heuristics to Transform Process Models.
GQM-DIVA: A Tool for Defining, Interpreting and Validating GQM Plans.
CoMo-Kit and MVP-L: A Comparison of Two Process Modeling and Enactment Tools.
Towards a Basic Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing
Formale Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme
Vergleich von Estelle und STATEMATE anhand eines Schiebefensterprotokolls
Identifikation und Spezifikation einzelner Protokollfunktionalitäten des Xpress Transfer Protokolls (XTP)
Einbettung automatisch generierter Protokollimplementierungen in eine reale Netzumgebung
Software-Entwicklung-Know-How: Ein entscheidender Faktor für die zukünftige Wettbewebsfähigkeit.

Operationalizing Conceptual Models Based on a Model of Dependencies
Consolidating and Applying the SDL-Pattern Approach: A Detailed Case Study

Hypermediabasiertes Knowledge Engineering für verteilte wissensbasierte Systeme
A Distributed Operationalization of Conceptual Models
Hypermedia als Zwischenrepraesentation bei der Expertensystementwicklung
Validierung von konzeptuellen Modellen
Maintenance Documentation for the Internal Representation of MVP-L [MVP-L-i].
Design and Implementation of an Object-oriented Internal Representation of MVP-L [MVP-L-i].
Hypermedia-based Knowledge Engineering for distributed, knowledge-based Systems .

Wed May 19 17:11:55 CEST 2004

SFB 501 - Development of Large Systems with Generic Methods